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Phrases and sentence structures of unit 3 1. as a consequence (of) / as a result....高三英语教案
The Second Period Integrating skills Teaching Aims: 1. Train the students’ inte....高三英语教案
Unit 1 Breaking records! I. 单元教学目标 技能目标Goals ▲0 Talk about records,....高三英语教案
Teaching goals I.Target language 1. Important words and phrases: date back to b....高三英语教案
情态动词和虚拟语气 ※ 考点提示 情态动词一向属高考必考项目,2004-20xx年全国各地试....高三英语教案
教学设计方案Lesson 9Step 1: Free talkGet the students to talk about their ch....高三英语教案
教学目标语言要点:1.work out 2.so long as 3.have,a gift for 4.show ....高三英语教案
Unit 11 Key to success Fast-reading 1.what is team work? ( Para. 2) 2.According ....高三英语教案
高中英语语法之省略“省略”在汉英词典中的解释(来源:百度词典): 1.to omit; to a....高三英语教案
The Fourth Period Teaching Aims: 1. Learn and master the following: (1) Words: a....高三英语教案
(一)教材分析: 本单元的中心话题是“澳大利亚”,主要内容涉及澳大利亚的地理、历史....高三英语教案
The Third Period Teaching Aims: 1. Train the students’ integrating skills, espe....高三英语教案
Unit 7 cultural relics Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision Grammar revision Teach....高三英语教案
Unit 6 Reading Read the text then answer some questions. 1 When did we decide to....高三英语教案
Unit10 American Literature (teachers’ edition) Period 1 New words and expressio....高三英语教案
Unit 5 Getting the message Reading: Look at the pictures on page37 and fill in t....高三英语教案
高考英语常用句型归纳1、as 句型:(1) as引导方式状语从句句型:“按照……;正如…....高三英语教案
必修2模块1--6必备知识点Module 1 Our Body and Healthy Diet重点短语pick sb. up ....高三英语教案
Unit 2 Sailing the oceans I. 单元教学目标 技能目标 Ability Goals Talk about earl....高三英语教案
Predicate (谓语) 谓语表述主语的行为动作或所处的状态。谓语的中心词是限定动词,....高三英语教案
The Second Period Reading Teaching Aims: 教学目标 a. Learn and master the key wo....高三英语教案
Unit 1 That must be a record Goals: Talk about records, adventures and hobbies P....高三英语教案
【知识网络】 一、重点词汇与短语 1.govern vt. & vi.统治;控制;治理 The mayor gove....高三英语教案
【知识网络】 一、重点词汇与短语 1.acknowledge vt.承认;告知已收到,为……表示感....高三英语教案
Units 1-2 Ⅰ.重要词汇及短语 1.set down 记下;写下 2.in the first place 首先;....高三英语教案
一句话语法: 逗号不能连接句子! 1. I don’t like______you speak to her. (1996上海)....高三英语教案

· Disneyland

教学目标 本单元对话课复习了有关问路及应答用语,要求学生用所学语言自编对话描述所....高三英语教案
教学目标Teaching aims and demands: 本单元是复习课,复习的要点为第7至11单元中出现....高三英语教案

· Hurricane

教学目标Teaching aims and demands 本单元的对话课的学习与操练,学生复习表示焦虑的....高三英语教案
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