

02-23 16:30:36   分类:谚语大全   浏览次数: 618
标签:气象谚语大全,英语谚语翻译,http://www.qihang56.com 适合小学四年级的励志英语谚语(中文对照),
适合小学四年级的励志英语谚语(中文对照): 1. All for me,one for all. 【中文】:人人为我,我为人人。 2. To think is to see. 【中文】:思考就是明白。 3. Time is life. 【中文】:时间就是生命。 4. One man,no man. 【中文】:个人力量,微不足道...


  1. All for me,one for all.


  2. To think is to see.


  3. Time is life.


  4. One man,no man.


  5. Study while you study, play while you play.


  6. Without learning, without eyes.


  7. All men cannot be first.


  8. Nothing is impossible!


  9. Let’s do it by ourselves.


  10. Remember: Keep smile on your face.


  11. A good book is a good friend.


  12. A good beginning is half done.



  • 上一篇:谚语大全:关于人生哲理、感悟、道理的谚语
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