

03-06 18:09:05   分类:初一英语教案   浏览次数: 803
标签:七年级下册英语教案,七年级下英语教案,http://www.qihang56.com 英语课文教学中的“听,说,读,讲,写,练”,
write it well,it is easy for them to talk about the text.
第二,用英语“说”课文的大意The second step.Talking something about the text.
在听完课文两,三遍以后,同学们应该对课文有了比较好的了解,应该对课文的大意心中有数了。The students have
understood the text well because they have listened more than twice.接下来,要求班上同学根据自己所听到的
,自己所写的重要信息,俩人一组先“说”课文。It is natural to have a two-way coversation,according to what
they have heard and what they have written down.一位同学“说”,另一位同学“听”,“听”的同学可根据
自己所听到的东西,用英语进行补充,说明,这样同学们就课文内容已进行了较好的交谈 。One student talks,the
other listens to and add something.In this way,they can have a conversation about the text.然后,俩人
进行交换着“听”“说”课文。Then we will change the part.接着,老师可选择一两组的同学来给大家说一“说”
课文。The teacher should choose two or three groups to talk about the text.最后,老师在学生“说”课文的
基础上,对这次的“说”课文进行讲评,Finally, the teacher should judge between right and wrong on their
talking in order to let the students accumulate the experience for the next time.总结本次“说”课文的

第三,“读”课文Reading the text
程中,勾划出文中的疑点,难点,中心点,重点,并分别做好记号。Having finished talking about the text,according
to a piece of paper in hand,the students will be asked to read it silently with the book opened.同学们
在读完第一遍课文以后,老师可组织部分学生到黑板上写出自己勾划出的“四点”,After reading the text for
the first time ,the teacher will help them make notes from the text:problems,difficulties,main points
and so on.接着,老师就同学们的“四点”进行讲评,筛选出真正的疑点,难点,中心点,重点。The teacher will
make a judgement about it and find out the real problems,difficulties,main points.接下来,要求同学们
The students will be asked to read the text again and make sure these points.接下来,让同学们就师生共
Then they can look up the words in the dictionary .这个时候,同学们不能向老师提问题,同学们自己动手
查阅资料,解决问题。At this moment they can not ask the teacher for help,and they must discuss the
problems themselves.分配到任务的小组,就聚集在一块儿,讨论,商量,准备讲稿,为后面的“讲”课文做好准备。
They must discuss how to use the sentence pattern,the words,the expressions,even some idioms so that
they make a preparation for studying the text.经过同学们“说”课文的训练,“读”课文的准备训练活动,不

第四,“讲”课文Studying the text
students have made a good preparation for studying the important points after several steps,such as
listening, talking,reading.在讲课文之前,同学们齐声朗读课文中的第一段,然后就请相应的同学来讲解这一段课
讲解。Before studying ,the students should read the first paragraph together,then one or two will be
asked to explain the language points,sentence patterns and some of the main idea.Everyone must speak
in English.在同学讲解的同时,班上其他同学,仔细做好笔记,认真听讲,跟上讲解的同学的思路。Everyone should
try to follow the one who is talking now.在同学讲完一个语言点以后,留一定的时间给其他同学提问或者进行补充。
The others can have some more ponits to add in,it’s a good chance for them to exchange their experience.
上其他同学注意,在今后的学习过程中加以改进和提高。The teacher should give the judgement between right and
例进一步加以说明,比如,某一位同学在讲解动词 command 的用法的时候,他在黑板上写下了如下的文字:a). to
command + sth. The judge commanded silence. 法官命令肃静。b). to command + sb. + to do sth. The policeman
commanded the man to stop. 警察命令那人停下来。c). to command + that clause The teacher commanded that
Tom (should) go out of the classroom at once. 老师命令汤姆立即离开教室。这些文字告诉我们 command 的使用方法,
那就是,直接跟名词,跟人做宾语,动词不定式做宾语补足语,跟宾语从句,宾语从句用虚拟语气(should + 动词
原形 should 可以省略)。然后这位做宾语补足语,它是跟动名词做宾语,跟宾语从句时,从句要用虚拟语气(should)
+ 动词原形,这一点跟 command 是一样的。其他几个动词都可以象 command 那样使用。”听到这里,同学们不约而同
第五,“写”课文Writing the text
前面的“听”“说”“读”“讲”课文,训练了同学们的听力,口语能力,笔头如何?We have trained the listening,
talking,reading and studying,and the students have practised their listening and spoken English,and now
what about their written English?Let’s try to make sure.可经过“写”课文来进行训练,来了解。
书就能够说出课文大意的程度。After listening,talking,reading and studying,it will be easy for the students
to write the main points of the text.因而,接下来可以进行“写”课文了。“写”课文的时候,要求同学自己
“听”课文的时候写下的东西,加上自己对课文的理解,用自己的语言写出课文的大意,They will write something
about the text,according to what they wrote while listening and what they understood while talking.或就

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